October 2013

Can a big house be green?

A contentious issue with a definitive answer: “It depends.” There’s no doubt that houses have been getting bigger. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 26 percent of all new single-family houses built in 2007 were 3,000 square feet or larger. In some prosperous markets a 10,000-squaref-foot house doesn’t raise any eyebrows. Even with all the sustainable features known to man, […]

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Are there some products that do not belong in any green house?

Absolutely. Green houses are tighter than regular houses, so indoor air quality can be compromised by products and materials that off gas. Here are a few suggestions: Paints and stains with high levels of VOCs(volatile organic compounds). Generally speaking, oil-based finishes have higherVOC levels than do water-based products. Carpeting that that does not carry the Carpet and Rug Institute’s Green Label or Green Label […]

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Do I have to be a building scientist to build green?

Knowing something about building science helps, yes. Builders who are just starting to dive into green building will need a grasp of basic techniques: how to make sure the building envelope is tight, the pitfalls of sloppy HVAC installations, how much insulation to install and which types work best, how to install windows and doors so they don’t leak, what kind of roofing […]

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Hai pembaca setia Clean Air Indonesia, sekarang kalian dapat bergabung dan mengikuti seluruh update dan posting terbaru Clean Air Indonesia melalui Bloglovin. Klik di bawah ini 🙂 Terima kasih. Hi Clean Air Indonesia‘s loyal readers, now you can join and follow our latest updates and posts through Bloglovin. Click the link below to start following us 🙂 Thank you. <a […]

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Is it really cheaper to live in a green house?

Yes, and in more ways that one. Energy conservation is one of the main goals of sustainable building, and following the basics of green design certainly lowers the cost of heating and cooling. All of it makes a difference, so site the house to take advantage of the sun, create a tight building envelope, invest in adequate insulation and choose energy […]

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