December 2013

Do you have smoke-problem? Try Smoke-Busters

SMOKE-BUSTERS Anda mempunyai komplain asap dan bau rokok? Dengan Smkoke Busters Anda dapat: – Menciptakan ‘air-wall’ tak terlihat untuk area bebas asap rokok yang nyaman – Menghilangkan bau tak sedap dari rokok dan cerutu – Mengurangi  resiko kesehatan dari asap second-hand – Membawa masuk udara fresh, terfilter dan terjaga sepanjang waktu Try Smoke-Busters now and get our special promo of […]

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Are there such things as green furnishings and carpeting?

Yes. Look for locally-produced, VOC-free furnishings and finishes Both carpeting and furniture can degrade indoor air quality if they are manufactured or finished with materials that emit noxious chemicals, a process called off-gassing. Common sources of indoor air pollution are particleboard, medium-density fiberboard and other panel products manufactured with a resin called ureaformaldehyde. The resin is inexpensive but it off-gasses […]

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