Unleash Active Daylighting Benefits for Your Green Building with Ciralight SunTracker

Green buildings in tropical regions such as Indonesia will benefit from active daylighting. Green buildings here will be able to save energy consumption by cutting lighting operations and maximise energy derived from the sunlight we have all year long. Now, Tawada CleanTech is partnering with Ciralight to bring their SunTracker to Indonesia.

What is Daylighting? Daylighting is the art and science of bringing sunlight indoors.

The increased visibility of the term “daylighting” in our lexicon could allow one to claim daylighting as the newest and hottest topic in the green building movement. Though it may be true that daylighting is becoming an increasingly hot topic, it’s certainly nothing new, having been around since the first man carved a hole out of a solid wall to welcome in the sun.

While technology has changed over time, all buildings receive varying amounts of sunlight from windows or skylights, but the designation ‘daylit,’ however, specifically refers to buildings designed or retrofitted to exercise daylight as an effective lighting source.

Until recently, daylighting has been a very passive technique, with most skylights and windows acting only as a lens between the outdoors and indoors. Today, Ciralight has the innovative technology to actively bring vibrant sunlight into a building in the most cost effective manner possible. Tawada CleanTech partners with Ciralight to bring our customers in Indonesia just that.

Now, what is active daylighting?

95% of available systems are passive in nature – meaning they use static, non-moving/tracking systems unable to adjust for the sun’s angle throughout the day; creating uneven lighting, roaming hot spots, and obtrusive glare.

Active Daylighting is a system that mechanically tracks the sun throughout the day and redirects sunlight inside buildings at an intensity that allows artificial lighting to be turned off. Ciralight’s active daylighting system significantly outperforms passive systems when comparing the amount of daylight directed into a building; upwards of 300% more.

Unleashing active daylighting benefits

Now, with Ciralight SunTracker everyone can unleash the benefits of active daylighting into their green building. Here in Indonesia, Ciralight partner with Tawada CleanTech to bring this technology to maximise the sunlight we have all year long. Active Daylighting brings in bright, natural sunlight indoors enhances human health and experience. According to research, retail sales of buildings increase an average of 10% to 40% with the implementation of daylighting. Further, industrial savings of active daylighting include less absenteeism, higher productivity, better safety records.

Active Daylighting’s sustainable design also increases ‘green’ economic incentives and savings. Many Wall Street companies in addition to chasing investment opportunities in areas like renewable energy, alternative fuels and carbon trading, they are ‘greening-up’ their own facilities with energy-saving systems like Ciralight SunTracker. With active daylighting, companies will also save a lot of their electricity bills. Lastly, active daylighting reduces electrical dependence and boosts environmental accountability.

With Ciralight Suntracker, your building is a green building that is healthy and very well-lit. Take these benefits of active daylighting and start unleashing its maximum potential with Tawada CleanTech.

About Tawada CleanTech

Tawada CleanTech is dedicated and committed to providing clean and green technology solutions for everyone. Our main customers are diverse, including but not limited to private and multinational companies and organizations, educational and research organizations, government, traders, manufacturers and factories. Tawada CleanTech gives green a whole new meaning and depth. Tawada CleanTech wants to create not just sustainable buildings and environments, but we strive to provide and educate people to start creating healthy and financially sustainable buildings and environments.

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