How to use BioZone Scientific Air Purifiers?
BioZone Scientific Air Purifiers can be used everywhere. With the decreasing number of confirmed cases in HK, there are more social activities particularly in the shopping malls. As there are invisible COVID-19 carriers, we need to continue to maintain the hygiene level both in the air and on the surface of any space.
A renowned property management company has installed BioZone Air Purifiers AlpineZone Series (Medical Grade) in more than 20 of its shopping malls and office buildings to protect their staffs, tenants and visitors. PhotoPlasmaTM of BioZone AlpineZone actively capture various micro-organisms, and rapidly destroy their structures through a chain of reactions, making them impossible to grow and reproduce. Also, AlpineZone Series also incorporates HEPA H13 filter which is effective and efficient to filter fine particulate matter.
In conclusion, BioZone air purifiers AlpineZone brings peace of mind to people in the shopping malls and office buildings.
Dengan berkurangnya kasus Covid-19 di Hong Kong, semakin banyak kegiatan publik kembali berlangsung di mall. Namun, dengan begitu banyak kasus tanpa gejala Covid-19, kita tetap perlu waspada dan selalu menjaga tingkat kebersihan udara dalam ruang dan permukaan yang ada.
Di HK, sebuah perusahaan manajemen properti ternama sudah memasang BioZone seri AlpineZone (tingkat medikal) di lebih dari 20 mall dan kantor untuk melindungi staf, tenant, dan pengunjung. Photoplasma yang dihasilkan BioZone dengan aktif mengikat berbagai mikro-organisme dan dengan cepat menghancurkan struktur organisme ini melalui berbagai rantai reaksi aktif, sehingga mikro-organisme tidak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang biak. AlpineZone juga menggunakan filter HEPA H13 yang efektif dan efisien menyaring partikel-partikel kecil (fine particulate matter).
BioZone Scientific air purifiers memberikan ketenangan pikiran bagi pengunjung dan pekerja di mall dan kantor.
Dapatkan produk asli BioZone Scientific photoplasma air purifiers di Indonesia dari Tawada CleanTech.
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